Recently, DK54vines 2016 Torrontes and 2014 Cabernet Franc won gold medals, while the 2014 Malbec won the silver medal in the Finger Lakes International Wine Competition.
Started 18 years ago, The Finger Lakes International Wine Competition has become one of the largest wine competitions in the world to benefit a charitable organization. This year, there were over 2,800 entries from over 600 wineries all over the world.
The entries were judged by a world-renowned panel of 50 judges representing distributors, educators, sommeliers, restaurateurs, winemakers, and writers. These experts came from all over the world including countries such as Argentina, Czech Republic, Canada, and Solvenia.
All of the wines were presented blind to the judges’ panel in Riedel stemware with only the grape or blend identified. No indication of geography, vintage, or price point is shared, ensuring totally unbiased evaluation given to each wine.